How to use Twitter for business? Well, I love to use Twitter for business but I don’t have time (or inclination) to spend a lot of time on it.
I typically spend 5-8 minutes a day and yet has a robust Twitter following that brings visitors to who read, sign up for our newsletter and make purchases.
How to Use Twitter for Business
1) Get Setup to Look Professional
Grab your Twitter name that reflects your business. Then write a profile that pertains to your business. You also might want to have a nice Twitter page done at Fiverr. FYI you can get Facebook, YouTube and practically any social media page done at Fiverr.
2) Use Automation Tool for Some Tasks
I like to interact personally with my followers.. because the most important part of Twitter (or any social media) is to communicate and build relationships with your audience.
But there are mundane tasks that I won’t waste my valuable time doing. And neither should you! For those I use a Twitter tool to automate.
Tasks I Automate:
- Follow people according to keywords that pertain to my niche
- Follow people of a particular Twitter user
- Unfollow people who don’t follow me
- I put Tweets (with links to my posts) in a queue to rotate 1-3 live Tweets a day.
- Find trends
3) Interacting on Twitter
This is the most important part! Imagine you’re at a party. Would you walk up to people and start selling? Of course not. Don’t do it at the social media party either. Nothing is more aggravating than in the first (or 2nd or 3rd) exchange to have a follower try and sell you. They are saying loud and clear “I’m only in this for me. I care nothing about you.” Don’t be that person!
Use the 80/20 rule.
Spend 80% of your time retweeting, mentioning other people, answering questions, tweeting other people’s links, spreading motivation and cheer.
The other 20% you can tweet your Blog post or tell your followers something fabulous about your business.
Treat people how you want to be treated and your community will grow!
4) Twitter for Business in 5 to 8 Minutes a Day
Want to know exactly how I use Twitter for business in only minutes?
Each morning I check ‘mentions’ and reply to several. Then I use a hashtag (#) to find quality tweets I think my followers will like, and I RT(retweet) those.
If I have 2 or 3 minutes in the afternoon, I’ll go back in and chit chat.
Typically once my Twitter following exceeds 10,000, I have my virtual assistant help me with the interacting but mostly I have her thank new followers.. leaving the more personal interaction to me.
That is it! Come chat with me if you like at ~darlene 🙂
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