One Simple Solution
Being an online business owner, a big challenge is getting all the work done.
Plus I have a confession. I waste time. Which spurred me to write this truth:
“The time it takes to complete a task will expand to the exact amount of time we schedule for it.”
If I allocate 20 min. for research, then it takes 20 min. Schedule ten minutes to read email, and that’s how long it takes.
But it’s worse than that.
I might play online for an hour (or more), doing NOTHING!! before I even start my “to do” list.
Why? Because sometimes I’m so overwhelmed with the sheer volume of tasks for my online business that I don’t know where to start.
Apparently this problem effects the best of us. Maybe even you?
One Simple Solution & Get the Work Done
I’m going to share with you what is working for me. The best part is that it’s super simple.
Easy 1-2-3 Step Solution
- At the end of the week pull out your handy dandy Planner/Daytimer and make a list of everything you need to do the following week. Don’t filter; just write.
- Next to each task, jot down the estimated time to complete. This is not the time for generosity. Be ruthless!
- The following week, each morning, look over your list and pick the three most important tasks you need to complete.Get out three index cards and write a task on each one. Sit the cards in front of your computer, and when you finish a task, throw the card away. BTW, this doesn’t work as well if you write all three tasks on one card. Trust me; I tried.
This is deceptively simple but it works!
Two Bonus Tips:
10 min: Go thru your emails and unsubscribe from all but 5 of your fav email lists. Hey, if you’re even thinking of unsubscribing from ours, don’t! Because if you’re doing this task, you like our ideas.. and we have more you’ll love. 🙂
5 min: During the time you’ve scheduled to work your online business, close all the browsers you’re not working in. That means email, Facebook, Pinterest.. You know what I’m talking about. Turn off all the distractions.
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